5 Best Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss with Detailed Steps

Hate gyms and heavy workouts? Here are some easy-to-do asanas to help you lose weight at home.

Yoga asanas for weight loss is aimed towards boosting your metabolism by constantly moving and maintaining certain postures. Each yoga pose is designed to enhance the fitness of different parts of the body.

Here, we’re going to discuss the best 5 yoga poses that help in weight reduction and the right technique to do yoga correctly.

What is the best time to do yoga for weight loss?

Different types of yoga poses can be performed during different times of the day. You can choose your time according to your routine as long as you’re able to maintain it because schedule and discipline are necessary for your body clock and functions to run smoothly. 

You can fix any time for yoga practice in an entire day. However, the best time is in the morning if you want to lose weight with yoga because-

  • Most poses should be performed on an empty stomach.
  • Keeps you charged up for the entire day.
  • Improves metabolism which leads to better digestion.
  • Maintains blood sugar level.
  • Increased blood flow helps you stay focused and positive for the work environment.

People sometimes think that yoga is a merely physical and mental exercise, but there are a lot of misconceptions about yoga that demand your attention and rectification.

Yoga for weight loss for beginners

There are a lot of postures intended for weight loss but for you, we have got the best 5 yoga asanas to help you lose weight if you have just started.

1. Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior Pose)

Detailed steps of Virabhadrasana
  1. Stand up straight and relax.
  2. Spread your legs, so that your feet are about 3-4 feet apart.
  3. Now turn your right foot 90° to the right and left foot about 15° to the right.

Check: look at the feet for reference in the picture.

  1. Lift your arms from the side until they reach the height of your shoulders, like in the picture. Keep your arms parallel to the ground and palms facing upwards.
  2. Exhale slowly and bend your right knee, so that the right knee and right foot’s heel are in a straight line i.e. 90° to the ground.

Check: your right thigh should be parallel to the ground.

  1. Now turn your head to the right so that your upper torso is slightly twisted.

Check: your right foot’s toes and your nose are facing the same direction. 

  1. Along with step 6), also stretch your arms further like in the final picture.
  2. Gently push your pelvis downwards. Hold the posture for 5-10 seconds. Feel like a warrior and breathe gently.
  3. Breathe in and come up.
  4. Breathe out and bring down.
  5. Gently come back to the initial pose.
  6. Repeat with your left leg this time. 2. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

2. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Detailed steps of Bhujangasana
  1. Lie flat on your stomach.

Check: the sole of your feet should be facing upwards and forehead on the ground.

  1. Keep your legs together so that your heels touch each other.
  2. Bring your palms near your shoulders and touch the ground with your palm facing downwards.

Check: keep your elbows close to your body and parallel to the ground.

  1. Breathe in and lift your head, chest and then abdomen, slowly.

Check: your navel should still be touching the ground.

  1. With the support of your arms and palms, pull your torso back.
  2. Breathe slowly and you stretch your spine and straighten your arms as much as you can while your spine arches.
  3. Maintain this pose for a few seconds or breaths.
  4. Breathe out and gently retrace back your steps, bringing the torso back to the ground.
  5. Repeat it 4-5 times.

3. Tadasana (the mountain pose)

 Detailed steps of Tadasana
  1. Stand with your feet about one foot apart and put equal pressure on both feet.
  2. Relax, take a deep breath and raise your arms above your head while also lifting your heels so that you are on your toes. Interlock your fingers.

Check: your palms should be facing upwards

  1. Stretch your arms and shoulders upwards so that your arms(biceps) touch your ears.
  2. Maintain a few breaths.
  3. Breathe in as you return to the initial position.
  1. Repeat the same steps 5-6 times.

4. Vajrasana

  1. Sit on the mat.
  2. Fold your right and left leg like in the picture.
  3. Keep your left toes below the right ones.
  4. Rest your palms on the knees.

Check: keep your back erect during this pose.

  1. Take a couple of deep and relaxing breaths for 5 minutes.

5. Trikonasana

Detailed steps of Trikonsana
  1. Stand straight on the mat.
  2. Keep your legs apart about 4 feet.
  3. Now turn your right foot 90° to the right and left foot about 15° to the right.

Check: look at the feet for reference in the picture.

  1. Keep your feet pressed to the ground and balance your body weight on both feet.
  2. Inhale deeply and while exhaling bend to your back right from the hip and in the picture while keeping the waist straight.
  3. Lift the left hand and rest the right hand on the ground, keeping both arms in the straight line.
  4. Place your right hand on the shin.
  5. Stretch your left arm towards the ceiling, while keeping your arms in line with your toes and the tops of your shoulders.
  6. Now turn your head to the left so that you are gazing directly at your left palm that is in the air.
  7. Balance your body and try to bend more sidewards but not forward. Keep your pelvis and chest wide open.
  8. Take a few deep breaths and try to stay in the present moment.
  9. While inhaling, come up, and rest your arms on the sides of your body.
  10. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

Morning routine for weight loss

Beginning your day positively with a healthy routine will change your life miraculously. According to Ayurveda, one must do things according to one’s biological clock.

Here are some tips for your morning routine-

  • Have a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energised.
  • Wake up early in the morning at about 5 a.m. and drink some warm water kept in a copper vessel overnight.
  • This will ease the bowel movements in the morning as Vata is at its peak at this time.
  • Do not ignore nature’s call and relieve yourself.
  • Do some yoga asanas like the ones mentioned above including Surya Namaskar which burns fat a lot faster. Give time at least 45 minutes daily to yoga practice in the morning.

Trivia: Suryanamaskar consists of 12 asanas in one.

  • Meditate in the morning to recharge yourself with positivity.
  • Have a healthy breakfast as your body is hungry after it’s last.
  • Avoid citric fruits first thing in the morning.
  • Drink honey with lukewarm water to help weight loss and remove the accumulated ama from your body.
  • You can have warm water with squeezed lemon in it, this step boosts your metabolism and improves digestion.
  • Have chapati in the morning and cook oatmeals or dalia/porridge to energise your morning.
  • Eat a dosha specific diet to keep your body energies in harmony.
  • Have your largest meal at 12 noon as pitta is the highest at this time.

Practicing healthy habits in the morning can get your day started on the right foot and set you up for a disease-free life.

Follow this routine regularly to witness tremendous health benefits.


Yoga and Ayurveda can help you lose weight effectively if you follow the right routine. These yoga asanas for weight loss will bring you results gradually so be patient.

Seek guidance from an expert in yoga and Ayurveda as he/she can tell if you’re performing the asana with the right stance or not.


Can you lose weight by doing yoga?

Yes, yoga is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy and disease-free. It’ll aid digestion, improve metabolism and keep you fit. Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. This may help prevent weight gain.

What are the disadvantages of yoga?

Yoga has no disadvantages but doing yoga incorrectly or ignoring contraindications can be more harmful than not doing yoga at all. It can increase the pain instead of curing it.

So, always take the help of a trained yoga practitioner if you’re just starting.

Should you do yoga after eating food?

No, all forms of exercise should be done on an empty stomach as they involve bending the body.

However, Vajrasana is one asana that can be done right after meals that even boosts digestion. But do not overdo it either. Hold for only 5 minutes.

How to lose belly fat with yoga?

There are amazing benefits of Ayurveda and Yoga that help you lose belly fat. With these tips, you can lose weight without dieting and much huff and puff. Mindful eating of a dosha specific diet can be a simple yet effective remedy to keep excess body fat away by balancing all doshas.

  1. How to lose belly fat with yoga?

There are amazing benefits of Ayurveda and Yoga that help you lose belly fat. With these tips, you can lose weight without dieting and much huff and puff. Mindful eating of a dosha specific diet can be a simple yet effective remedy to keep excess body fat away by balancing all doshas.

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